Monday 28 September 2009

New Era: Part Four

"Whats the one beginning with "A"!" Nat Westwood, 26/09/2009

Thursday 17 September 2009

Modern Era: Part 3

Concerning GOD:
"All this created in six days? Fair enough. We all know the lad's got a great engine on him. He's 100% work rate. A celestial Scholesy." Jonathan Meades, 16/09/2009, BBC

Friday 4 September 2009

Modern Era: Part 2

In reference to Gentleman in a Red Velvet Suit at his sisters wedding:
"What about that Fookin Wizard?" Stuart Loganm 02/08/2009

Shouted across a Chinese Restaurant at Emma Tetlow:
"You have the sexual politics of a Viking raid, Tetlow!" Nick Daffern, date unknown

Addressing Nat Westwood:
"'Bog Monkey*'? That'd be a good nickname for you" Sam Westwood, 09/07/2009
*the "Bog Monkey" of Shropshire Canals, particularly Bridge 17 near Newport, a cryptozoological oddity and likely Mythological.